Cocktail Magic | Jonah Babins Cocktail Magic | Jonah Babins

Memorable Moments

“ This Guy is MAGIC!! ”

— Seth Rogan

“ He was a big hit at the party, everyone really enjoyed it! ”

— Bianca A (Executive at Marumatchbox)

Guarantee your guests are having fun the MOMENT they walk in!

How do you make sure your guests are having an unforgettable night instead of just awkwardly standing around chit chatting about the weather?

This is exactly why corporate events, bar mitzvahs, weddings, galas and more bring Jonah’s close up cocktail magic to their event.

Jonah mingles around your party entertaining and performing for small groups making them laugh, drop their jaw, and scream things like “OH MY GOSH”!

Nothing changes awkward interactions into unforgettable moments faster than mind blowing magic.

The audience is going to be talking about this event for months to come and thanking YOU for knowing exactly who to bring to make it memorable!

It’s not enough to cross your fingers and hope that your guests are going to have a great time, bring Jonah to entertain your party and guarantee it!

Let your guests know that you care about them by giving them a night they will never forget

Plus, you can relax knowing that someone is looking out for your guests ensuring they have a great time.

For more information about scheduling an appearance contact Jonah below

“ Super talented, hilarious and entertaining ”

— Marisa & Darcy (Directors at Moksha Yoga North York & Thornhill)

“ All our guests have talked about since enjoying your show. A HUGE hit! ”

— Jenny and Kelly (Property Managers)

You have expectations.
Now exceed them.